jeudi 16 septembre 2010

TAG: 4 things....

4 things in my purse
1. Makeup bag
2. My cell phone
3. keys
4. ipod

4 things in my wallet
1. Credit card
2. Drivers licence
3. Money
4. Pharmaprix Optimum card

4 things in my bedroom
1. bed....duh!!!!)
2. fan
3. dehumidifier
4. pillows

4 things I've always wanted to do
1. visit Australia
2. own a horse
3. help people in need
4. spend every minute with my husband :)

4 things I'm currently into
1. Pretty Little Liars books
2. doing video's for YouTube
3. training hard
4. Shopping for everything and anything

4 things I bet you didn't know about me
1. I was once a gymnast
2. I LOVE hockey!
3. I hate mornings
4. I want to be a stay at home mom

4 songs I can't get out of my head
1. Waka Waka - Shakira
2. Katy Perry - Teenage dreams
3. Enrique Iglesias - I like it
4. Shym - Je sais

Now it's your turn :)

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